Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
How should we treat older people with heart attacks?
In this episode of the Heart podcast, Digital Media Editor, Dr James Rudd, is joined by Dr Vijay Kunadian from Newcastle University and the Freeman Hospital . They discuss the RITA SENIOR trial, designed to tell us the best way to manage older patients with a heart attack - invasive or medical. If you enjoy the show, please subscribe to the podcast to get episodes automatically downloaded to your phone and computer. Also, please consider leaving us a review at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/heart-podcast/id445358212?mt=2 Link to published paper: https://heart.bmj.com/content/102/6/416?ijkey=62261479a0ca4163d857d406efe131a5423c5aec&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha
Dr Kunadian's Twitter - https://twitter.com/vijaykunadian?lang=en